Topic 5

This is the final reflection for the ONL course, a journey that we started a few months back. Thinking back, I have got to know new people and learned from them as well as with them how to use for instance technology, online environments and problem based learning in my teaching. In this course we had a practical, hands-on mentality. Therefore, the most explicit things that I can take with me from this course are concrete tools and ways to work that we tested in our PBL group. One of the most beneficial things in taking part in this course is that now I have actually taken part in an problem based online course by myself and now in practice some of the difficulties/challenges it may have, but also some of the benefits. I feel that this enables me as teacher to facilitate this type of courses better as I have a similar experience myself. Furthermore, we tested different kinds of presentation tools (mostly Miro but also Canva) both tools I have never used before, but I truly think I will be using those in the future. Miro worked super well for us also during ideation phase and during our discussions. We also tried out some nice innovation/ideation methods that were cool and I think I’ll be using those in the future. I would like to thank Ben in our group, who was super by introducing us some of the tools. On a more abstract level, I think that speaking with new people and thinking together broadens one’s perspectives, makes us learn. This type of learning is more abstract and therefore I feel I cannot pinpoint on specific “things” I learned, rather I see this type of learning as something that incrementally builds upon the present knowledge and enables new understandings. All in all, I the ONL course has given me tools and understanding about how to create and facilitate a “good” online or blended course and I think I can utilize this in my upcoming courses.

3 responses to “Topic 5”

  1. Hi Marjukka,

    Indeed ONL222 has been a great experience for me too. Having PBL approach gave our weekly meetings a structure and a common purpose to work towards.

    I picked up Miro about 2 months before start of our ONL. Found it to be a cool collaborative tool and glad that you liked it too 🙂

    Aside from the other useful tools and approaches we learnt from other groups, I especially enjoyed the topical guest speakers. Did you have a favorite topic / speaker?

  2. Hi Marjukka!
    Thank you for your final reflections! I totally agree with you that one of the most important things in this course is for colleagues to _experience_ problem based learning and not only read about it. In my experience, the same holds true for experiencing an online course with such a high focus on social presence. This is also knew for many colleagues. Those two things in combination plus all the other “smaller learnings” you mentioned make me confident that there is a need for more iterations of ONL. Please spread the word if you agree.
    All the best from snowy Karlstad,

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