Getting started and connecting week

/Here some thoughts: Before starting this course I didn’t know what to expect from it. My colleague recommended this course and said that this is a really valuable experience. So here I am writing my first reflection post on my own wordpress – I have already learned something for sure! I am excited to start this collaborative group work, exchanging ideas, getting new insights and hopefully have a lot take-aways for my life and career! ? The meeting today was already really interesting: Meeting so many people from all around the world – a lot of them joining the course repeatedly. There must be something special about it and I will for sure find out what that spark is! I am quite excited but feel as if I am good to go now after meeting the PBL group and the connecting webinar. See you in the next reflection post. Annika/


Hi Annika,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the first week! It’s great to see that you’re all set for the ONL experience, and that you started writing in your reflection space. I look forward to reading more!

Joanne Kuai says:

Glad to have you in our group!

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