We are happy that there is an interest to hear about the ONL project and we have been fortunate to get the opportunity to present it at several occasions.
Please find information about the presentations below, as well as links to the presentations. More presentations will be added here after, the latest one will always be found at the top.
Article in IJAD: Open Networked Learning – a course, a community, an approach
Book chapter: Problem-based learning in international online groups
Open Education Week: 24-Hour Global CC Network Web-a-thon
5-6 March 2019
Open Networked Learning – a collaborative open online course on open networked learning
Presentation of the Open Networked Learning course – an initiative from Karolinska Institutet, Lund University, Linnaeus University and Karlstad University with Partner Universities and Organizations in Brazil, Finland, Ireland, Singapore, South Africa, and Switzerland. In particular, we will focus on the new course homepage powered by WordPress and BuddyPress.
Jörg Pareigis (Karlstad University) and Alastair Creelman (Linnaeus University)
Time: 09:00-09:20 UTC (check your local time using worldtimebuddy.com)
Webinar Room: https://www.uberconference.com/creativecommons
International Consortium for Educational Development (ICED) Conference 2016
22-25 November
Ethics, Care and Quality in Educational Development
Collaboration across borders for professionalisation of educational development – the course Open Networked Learning as an arena for Professional Development for teachers in Higher Education
Lars Uhlin, (Karolinska Institutet), Maria Kvarnström (Karolinska Institutet), Lotta Åbjörnsson (Lund University), Alastair Creelman (Linnaeus University), Kenneth Johansson (Lund University), Anders Gerestrand (Linnaeus University), Maria Hedberg (Lund University) and Anne Whaits (The Independent Institute of Education(IIE))
Internationalisation conference, Stockholm, 3 Nov 2016
Swedish Council for higher education (UHA) conference IDA 2016, 2-3 November 2016
Alastair Creelman and Lars Uhlin ran a workshop on internationalisation of internal staff training 3 November 2016, showcasing ONL and raising questions about staff virtual mobility. About 25 participants attended the session.
Alastair Creelman’s presentation
The conference NU2016 Malmö
Anders Gerestrand, Kenneth Johansson, Maria Kvarnström; Lars Uhlin and Lotta Åbjörnsson presented;
Open Networked Learning: internationellt klassrum för gränsöverskridande samarbete
by Lotta Åbjörnsson, Maria Hedberg, Alastair Creelman, Anders Gerestrand, Kenneth Johansson, Lars Uhlin and Maria Kvarnström
Please see the abstract and the round table [in Swedish].
EDEN 2016 conference, Budapest
Open courses as virtual mobility and the role of collaborative literacy in staff development
by Alastair Creelman, Anders Gerestrand (Linnaeus University), Lars Uhlin, Maria Kvarnström (Karolinska Institutet), Maria Hedberg, Lotta Åbjörnsson, Kenneth Johansson (Lund University), Stefan Stenbom (Royal Institute of Technology) Sweden and Anne Whaits (IIE Varsity College, South Africa).
Alastair Creelman lead the workshop at the EDEN 2016 conference in Budapest 17 June 2016 together with ONL161 participants Annica Rosvall (Malmö University) and Francisca Frenks (Xwebinar.nl).
A small but enthusiastic and knowledgeable group of 10 attended the session plus Annica and Francisca online via Adobe Connect. We discussed ideas about providing internationalisation at home by means of opening up internal staff development courses along the lines of ONL and gave examples both from ONL but in a wider context of virtual mobility. Few of the participants had much experience in this field and although virtual mobility has been the subject of several recent European projects the focus of most internationalisation work is still on physical mobility. This could change now since of of the leading figures in European virtual mobility questions, Airina Volungevičienė (Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania) has now been elected new president of EDEN.
See the results of the discussions as well as the resources used on the workshop’s Padlet page.
The conference MOOCs in Scandinavia, Stockholm June 2015.
Alastair Creelman, Maria Hedberg, Maria Kvarnström and Lotta Åbjörnsson presented;
- From awareness to participation – student engagement in an online environment
by M. Kvarnström1, M. Hedberg2, E. Ossiannilsson2, L. Åbjörnsson2, A. Creelman3 & L. Uhlin1; 1Karolinska Institutet, 2Lund University and 3Linnaeus University, Sweden.
Please see the abstract and the oral presentation. - Teachers at different universities learning together and about open networked learning in an open online course
by Lars Uhlin1, Maria Kvarnström1, Ebba Ossiannilsson2, Lotta Åbjörnsson2, Alastair Creelman3 and Maria Hedberg2; 1Karolinska Institutet, 2Lund University and 3Linnaeus University, Sweden
Please see the poster.
Swednets årskonferens, Halmstad May 2015 [in Swedish]
Maria Kvarnström, Lars Uhlin and Lotta Åbjörnsson presented;
- Öppna kurser i samverkan – våga mera!
by Lars Uhlin1, Maria Kvarnström1, Lotta Åbjörnsson2 and Maria Hedberg2
1Unit for Medical Education (UME), Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics (LIME), Karolinska Institutet, 2 Centre for Educational Development (CED), Lunds universitet
Please see the presentation.
Seminarium om framtidens lärmiljöer SUHF, Stockholm May 2015 [in Swedish]
Maria Kvarnström and Lars Uhlin presented;
by Lars Uhlin och Maria Kvarnström Enheten för medicinsk pedagogik (UME), Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm
Maria Hedberg, Lotta Åbjörnsson och Ebba Ossiannilsson, Centre for Educational Development (CED), Lunds universitet
och Alastair Creelman, Linnéuniversitetet
Please see the Pechakucha presentation.
Pedagogik för nätbaserad utbildning, Kista March 2015 [in Swedish]
- Maria Kvarnström and Lars Uhlin presented; OPEN NETWORKED LEARNING – EN ÖPPEN KURS FÖR KOLLABORATIVT LÄRANDE ONLINE I SAMVERKAN MELLAN LÄROSÄTEN by Lars Uhlin och Maria Kvarnström, Enheten för medicinsk pedagogik (UME), Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm
Maria Hedberg och Lotta Åbjörnsson, Centre for Educational Development (CED), Lunds university
Please see the presentation.
NU2014, Umeå October 2014 [in Swedish]
- Maria Hedberg, Maria Kvarnström, Lars Uhlin and Lotta Åbjörnsson presented;
Att erbjuda pedagogisk kompetensutveckling via deltagande i en cMOOC – erfarenheter från lärare och deltagare
by Lars Uhlin och Maria Kvarnström, Enheten för medicinsk pedagogik (UME), Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm
Maria Hedberg och Lotta Åbjörnsson, Centre for Educational Development (CED), Lunds university
Please see the presentation.