26 Sep – 2 Oct 2022
During this week the focus is to connect with peers and facilitators and to form groups. You will be encouraged to share expectations, background knowledge, experience and practice and begin to build relationships.

Activities in PBL groups

All registered participants will get an email from the ONL organisers with an invitation and link to join their PBL group, on Monday 26 September at the latest.

The most important thing to do during this week is to meet with your group! To start off work, attend meetings and get to know each other! There is one task for the group: to present your group to the wider ONL community in any way you like – a presentation (Google slides, PowerPoint, Prezi, Sway…), a Padlet, a video or whatever you can think of! The presentation does not have to be neither technically advanced nor academically high-strung – opt for a personal touch! Share your presentation in the ONL222 community by clicking “Submit your PBL group work” (and enter details) in your PBL group space at the end of the first week.

During this second week of the course the PBL groups will begin to form and plan for the collaborative work. It is essential that you are present and active in this important first phase of forming and starting up your group work!

  • A facilitator and a co-facilitator in each group will guide and support you and take the lead for the start-up.
  • Click “ONL community space – login”. In the left hand column you will see the PBL group you belong to (as well as the common ONL222 community space).
  • The facilitators will have set up times for the first online group meetings. These important first meetings are about getting to know each other and to discuss how you are going to work together (“setting ground rules”).
    • Please note the dates and times and respond about your availability to the facilitators by responding to their post
  • Introduce yourself in your PBL group to start connecting and comment on posts by others
  • Each group has a Google Drive folder for collaborative work. Here you will find some guides and templates to start up your work.
  • Share the presentation of your group to the wider ONL222 community (see above)

Read about, discuss and familiarize yourself with the ONL design and ONL learning activities including using the FISh model for collaborative inquiry.

Activities for all learners

Connecting webinar 26 September 13-14:30 CEST
An introduction and opportunity to meet with all ONL222 learners and facilitators and to meet briefly with your PBL group.

Individual reflection
The course reflections are an important part of your learning process. One post related to each of the five topics are required if you want to receive a certificate for the course. Why not start today?


By the end of this week, you will have had the opportunity to:

– connect with other participants and your facilitators

– learn about and discuss problem-based, open and collaborative learning in the context of ONL



webinarConnecting webinar: 26 September 13-14:30 CEST

Please check your timezoneBUTTON_gotoevent



The webinar will be recorded, link to recording can be found afterwards in the main ONL222 community space.


  • Check that you have done everything described in the “getting started week”
  • Find your way to your assigned PBL group community
  • Introduce yourself in your PBL group
  • Attend the Connecting webinar or watch the recording
  • Attend the meeting(s) in your group
  • Contribute to the presentation of your group
  • Have fun ;o)
Readings and other resources

We recommend two articles, please consider them optional and see our comments below.

For further readings on PBL see ONL pedagogical design