25 February – 3 March
During this week the focus is to connect with peers and facilitators and to form groups.You will be encouraged to share expectations, background knowledge, experience and practice and begin to build relationships.
Activities for all learners
Learning blog – reflection
The course reflections are an important part of your learning process and the blogs were introduced last week. One blog post related to each of the five topics are required if you want to receive a certificate for the course.
Activities in PBL groups
During this second week of the course the PBL groups will begin to form and plan for the collaborative work. It is essential that you are present and active in this important first phase of forming and starting up your group work!
All registered participants will get an email when the PBL groups are set up, on Monday 25th February at the latest.
- Click Groups under the ONL community tab and you will see which PBL group you belong to. Introduce yourself to start connecting!
- As a starter for introduction and discussion in the PBL group you may briefly address things like:
– who you are as an individual in the digital age and your journey so far
– your expectations, hopes, fears
– what ONL might mean for your development.
Comment on the posts of your peers!
- A facilitator and a co-facilitator in each group will guide and support you and take the lead for the start-up e.g. invite to the first online synchronous meeting(s). The first meeting(s) is about getting to know each other and to discuss how you are going to work together (“setting ground rules”).
- Each group will have access to a Google drive folder for collaborative work. Here you will find some guides and templates to start up your work.
- Get together to create a presentation of your group to the wider ONL community (in any format/tool the group prefers)!
- Share your presentation in the ONL191 community by clicking “Submit your PBL work group X” (and enter details) in your PBL group space at the end of the first week.
Read about, discuss and familiarize yourself with the ONL design and ONL learning activities including using the FISh model for collaborative inquiry. |
By the end of this week, you will have had the opportunity to:
– connect with other participants and your facilitators
– learn about and discuss problem-based, open and collaborative learning in the context of ONL
Introduction webinar 25 February 11-12 CET
Click here to join the webinar. Please use a head-set and your webcam!
For those of you who can’t join, the webinar was recorded, and here is a link to it:
Recording of the introduction webinar 25 February, 2019
- Check that you have done everything described in the “getting started week“
- Find your way to your assigned PBL group community
- Introduce yourself in your PBL group
- Attend the meeting(s) in your group
- Contribute to the presentation of your group
- Attend the Intro webinar or watch the recording
- Have fun ;o)