Welcome to this webinar on Wednesday 9th November at 10-11 am (CET) with Martha Cleveland-Innes!

Dr Martha Cleveland-Innes is Professor and Chair of Centre for Distance Education at Athabasca University. Athabasca University is a Canadian university specializing in online education. They have programs and courses all offered online for 40 000 students. She is also a guest Professor at Department of Learning KTH (Royal Institute of Technology), Sweden.

During this webinar, Martha will elaborate on community establishment and development in learning settings, discuss benefits and challenges, and review a framework called the Community of Inquiry.

The webinar will be in Adobe Connect, go to https://connect.sunet.se/onl/ and choose “Enter as a Guest”, add your name in the box and click “enter room”. The room will open 15 minutes before the start, and you are encouraged to enter the room then if you want to check your settings before it starts.

For more information about Adobe Connect please see  an overview here, or a written guide (pdf).


November 9, 2016

10:00-11:00  (CET)

Please check your local time.

View the recording of the webinar in Adobe and look at the presentation slides.




