Connecting and networking
1. Connecting and networking
15 February – 6 March

Connecting and networking

During these three important weeks the focus is to familiarize with the online learning spaces and to connect with peers and facilitators. You will be encouraged to share expectations, background knowledge, experiences and practices and begin to build relationships and to form groups.

webinar16 February 2.30 pm (CET)  Introduction webinar in Adobe Connect.
(watch the recording from the webinar)

twitter  2 March 8pm (CET) Tweet chat
(look at the Storify from the tweet chat)

2. Digital literacy
7 – 13 March

Digital literacy

During this topic we will together explore important literacies to survive and thrive in the digital age as learners and educators. You will be encouraged to continue to reflect on your digital presence and identity as well as your experiences of digital consumption, communication, collaboration and creation, as a learner and an educator.

webinar 11 March 10 am (CET)  Digital Literacy, webinar with Sara Mörtsell  – See recording here and slides here!

3. Collaborative learning and communities 14-20 March

Collaborative learning and communities

In this third topic we will explore aspects of collaborative learning in relation to networked online spaces for learning. You will be encouraged to reflect on the meaning of peer learning and the development of learning communities in relation to PBL and to building personal learning networks and environments.

twitter  16 March 8 pm Tweet chat
Read the whole tweetchat on Storify

4. Flexible and mobile learning 21 March- 3 April

Flexible and mobile learning

In this fourth topic we will explore some of the drivers behind flexible and mobile learning as well as what these can entail for both students and educators. You will also be encouraged to reflect on possible challenges and opportunities this has for learning and education in general, both from an individual, collaborative and organizational perspective.

webinar 21 March 10 am (CET)  webinar with Dr Martha Cleveland Innes
(watch the recording from the webinar)

5. Open educational practices
4 – 10 April

Open educational practices

In this topic we will explore the benefits and challenges of openness in education and learning generally, but also how OER (Open Educational Resources) and OEP (Open Educational Practices) can be used for building PLN (Personal Learning Networks) and PLE (Personal Learning Environments) as well as be adapted and contextualized for specific learning and teaching situations. The meaning of different MOOC formats will be touched upon, with this course as one example.

webinar 8 April 11 am (CEST) webinar about MOOCs and using OERs in higher education with Marita Ljungqvist, manager of the MOOC project at Lund University

Recording from the webinar

6. Designing learning environments 11 – 17 April

Designing learning environments

In this topic we will explore how online environments can be designed to support learning, including online tutoring/facilitation, peer-support/tutoring and educational design models. You will be encouraged to reflect on your own experiences of what constitutes good support in a problem-based and open networked learning environment.

twitter  13 April 8-9 pm CEST (Sweden) Tweet chat

Read the whole tweetchat on Storify

7. Concluding week: Open Networked Learning, future perspectives 18-24 April

Concluding week: ONL, future perspectives

During this concluding week, peers and facilitators will share and reflect on learning experiences from ONL as well as look ahead what this might mean for our present and future practices. What effect has the learning experiences from this course had on your development of Personal learning networks and environments as well as your own professional practice? What were the benefits and what were the challenges? What are the next steps?


22 April  2-3 pm (CEST) Final webinar in Adobe Connect


Please check your local time:

Link to ICS file