Welcome to join the 4th and last ONL191 Tweetchat!Read the full tweetchat on Wakelet. If you have not tried out a tweet chat previously, take the opportunity to join this event. A tweetchat is a synchronous discussion in Twitter where each post is a tweet with the same hashtag, thus to see the tweets for the chat you have to search for that hashtag or use a specific tool for tweet chats like Tweetdeck (tweetdeck.com) or Tweetchat (tweetchat.com). We will be discussing a number of questions about designing and facilitating online and blended learning. Alastair Creelman (@alacre on Twitter) will lead this tweet chat using our Twitter hashtag #ONL191. Search for the hashtag #ONL191 to see all the discussion posts.
“See” you on twitter! |
Wednesday April 17, 2019 Please check your local time |