Ok, now the course is over and I have to think about online learning by myself. Me and my colleagues at the department are constructing a hybrid online course for this autumn 2023. Maybe this is when I put theory into practice. But no, the whole ONL course has been about putting theory and practice […]
One final reflection
Good evening, fellow ONL-ers! Since I finished my workshop early this afternoon, it’s looking like a double-post day! Since there’s not really reading material for this last unit…
Looking out for ICEBERGs – or, reflecting on my shortcomings in keeping online classes afloat
Happy Monday, ONLers! This week’s post is meant to tie in with Topic 4, where we discussed plans for improving online and blended learning. Unfortunately (or fortunately), it’s…
Topic 4: constructing an online course together
This is my last reflection during this ONL course. The times has really flown away, can’t understand that it is already over and completed. But completed isn’t possible when it comes to this subject. Not only due to my job as an university lecturer, constantly producing learning activities and courses. But also due to the […]
Encouraging motivation in unmotivating times – I need help!
Happy Monday, ONL-ers! Since the last time I posted, the conservation biology course I teach has become a lot more intense. We’re past the introductory lectures now and…
Stop! and reflect – personal development through self- and joint reflection
Pexels.com Andre MoutonSelf-reflection is supposed to be a game changer. Potentially even a habit that separates extraordinary professionals from mediocre ones? What then is this “power” and why is it so important?One way to learn about the power of se…
Topic 3: collaborative learning on mural
During the two weeks of collaborative learning in our PBL-group we started to work collaboratively through digital tools online for the first time (if not to include google drive and zoom itself of course). The difference was that we decided to direct our attention to a specific question by using Wengers theories of collaborative learning […]
A Serenity prayer for blended learning
Picture: edited in canva.comBlended learning inevitably is the next step for Higher Ed teachers, regardless of whether this step is taken with confidence and curiosity or reluctantly and with hesitation. For me, when I think of blended learning as…
Oh no. Group work…
www.pexels.com/sv-SE/license/Group work at University. Dreaded by some students and much appreciated by others. In my experience, students often question the value of having group work as part of a course. If they are graded on the group work, the…
Topic 2: Digital teaching and learning – for whom and how?
In our PBL group we discussed open access and digital teaching/learning in the three perspectives of openness relate to: individual (teacher – student) organizational (universities) Societal (e.g. societal justice) But, of course, the three perspectives are intertwined and are not easily separated. For the individual teacher and/or student the organizational aspects are essential for getting […]
Making in-person STEM courses more open — what can we do?
Happy Thursday, fellow ONL-ers! Before we get into a beautiful, wonderful four-day weekend here in Sweden, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on openness and…
Small steps towards digital open learning creativity
pexels-mikael-blomkvist-6476583Open access publishing, open educational resourcses (OER) and open educational practices (OEP). A lot have changed since I started my academic carrier in 2002. It is fascinating to think about how swiftly the learning env…