twitter Tweetchat: Alec Couros leads a tweetchat

If you have not tried out a tweetchat previously, take the opportunity to join this event. A tweetchat is a synchronous discussion in Twitter where each post is a tweet with the same hashtag, thus to see the tweets for the chat you have to search for that hashtag or use a specific tool for tweetchats like Tweetdeck ( or Tweetchat ( 

This tweetchat will be a follow-up session from yesterday’s webinar.

Preparation: watch Alastair’s film about tweet chat and if you are new on Twitter we also recommend you to first see a film about Twitter. You can also check out the Tools page to see different ways of using twitter. Use our Twitter hashtag #ONL171 . Search for the hashtag #ONL171 to see all the discussion posts.

  • Questions will be posted on Twitter with a number attached, eg “#ONL171 Q1 What do you think about xxx?”
  • To comment/answer – post a tweet and remember to start with the hashtag and the question number, eg “#ONL171 Q1 ….”.

If you didn’t join the tweetchat, have a look at it on Storify!

“See” you on twitter!
The ONL- team


23 March, 2017

20.00-21.00 (CET)

Just tune in to #ONL171 on Twitter (see text for how to do this.
Please check your local time.

Questions? Contact the ONL-team

Questions? Contact the ONL-team