Finally.. My reflections on Topic 1:)

Hi world! Finally have I had a chance to sit down and write my reflections regarding Topic 1, where we discussed online participation and digital literacies. The videos and the webinar with Dave White were extremely insightful as they prompted me to ponder about my digital presence in a theoretical and more structured way. Having […]

Hej verden!

Velkommen til Dette er dit første indlæg på dit nye site. Du kan lære mere om at bruge dit site i de fine begynder-guides på WordPress Codex (på engelsk). Når du bliver mere avanceret er der også masser af hjælp at hente. Videoer om WordPress findes på Der er også masser af hjælp…

Getting started

Glad to be here and looking forward to meeting you all! I am Annette and work in a university pedagogical unit at the UCPH, helping teachers at HUM, THEO, LAW and Social Science at UCPH develop their competencies in teaching – mainly the digital aspects for my part. Currently that means teaching a lot of […]

ONL 241 – reflection space

I’ll be using this WordPress site as my reflection space for the ONL241 course – which I think is what we (10 years ago at least) used to call an X-MOOC, collaborate and all that. It’s starting today, so here we go! For anything more finished (and useful for others) I’ll probably be posting it […]