Glad to be here and looking forward to meeting you all!
I am Annette and work in a university pedagogical unit at the UCPH, helping teachers at HUM, THEO, LAW and Social Science at UCPH develop their competencies in teaching – mainly the digital aspects for my part.
Currently that means teaching a lot of courses on AI and what it means for university teaching.
I’ve been part of collaborative X-MOOCs before, I’ve also been part of organizing the PLE conference for years (on Personal learning environments – I see some familiar faces & names from that area…) And my own university education was at Roskilde University, which was almost entirely PBL-based – so lots of familiar territories in the intro so far.
Currently I am mostly occupied with AI: what it will mean for higher education and how we can use it well in teaching and learning. I tend to discuss that on LinkedIn – so please join the conversations over there, if you’re interested – I’m here:
I am also involved in CUTIE, an Erasmus Plus project preocupied with how we as institutions can better support HE teachers’ in developing their digital (teaching) competencies (using the DigCompEdu framework) – this is a follow-up project to CUTE – working in the same area, find lots of useful tools in the CUTE toolkit.
For the reflections from this course I’ve set up a WP blog (since I am the person running the installation for UCPH)