The course equips participants with ability to assess different scales of development in relation to different context and different concern (Global/Local) of development within the framework of sustainability. Moreover, understanding and assessing ‘Sustainability’ upon different approaches in regarding to different focuses (Urban, Building Technology, Structure/Construction, Education, Environmental Issues, etc.). Students submissions are : ARCH553 2018.10.23 […]
Remote Education/ Introduction to design
By first announce of finding the first cases in Northern Cyprus like other part of the world, life and education never returned back to the normal we were use to. schools immediately started to establish and active their remote education mode and Platforms. My school (EMU) very quickly provided us Microsoft team License and every […]
Inexperience is an Asset to be Exploited: Zero Budget Design and Build Practice
Students’ project: Farc102-Dept. Architecture EMU-Spring 2021 Assoc.Prof.Dr. Badiossadat Hassanpour
Students’ project- First year Second semester- Eastern Mediterranean University-Spring 2020-2021 Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Badiossadat Hassanpour Students Names: FRANCESCA AKELLO ODEKE / UGANDA LISA MUTHONI / KENYA BERFİN EK / TURKEY MARYAM ABASSI / PALESTINE FERAS MORRAR / UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
Course Development : post graduate core course called Interdisciplinary Workshop
THE ABSENT THING Not in the place where it is expected to be Questioning is an art that, particularly, architects and academicians should never lose. The endless questioning habit of toddlers, which is scarcely witnessed in higher education, can deploy citizens, politicians, architects, and scholars in procedures of problem solving rather than solution making. Indeed, the practice of questioning is needed to […]

Topic 5: Lessons learnt – future practice
During my participation in the ONL course, I have gained valuable insights and knowledge that will greatly influence my teaching practice. One of the most important things I have learned is the significance of online participation and digital literacies. The course has highlighted the importance of fostering a sense of community and meaningful interactions […]

What are the most important things you have learned through your engagement in the ONL course? Why? Participating in the Open Networked Learning (ONL) course has been a transformative experience, providing me with a diverse range of valuable learning opportunities and skills that were previously inaccessible. The ONL course has proven to be more than […]

Topic 4: Design for online and blended learning
In collaborating with my PBL group to design an introductory online blended course using the ABC learning method, I gained valuable insights into the process of course design and the effective integration of different teaching approaches. Through our discussions and brainstorming sessions, I learned the importance of aligning the learning activities and assessment criteria […]

Topic 3: Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning
I envision collaborative learning as an essential part of any course I teach and research project I am involved in. This can provide learners with a wider range of perspectives and experiences, which can help deepen their understanding of course content and critical thinking (Árnason et al., 2018). In my distance courses, I incorporate online […]

INDIVIDUAL REFLECTIONS FOR Topic 4: Design for online and blended learning
Topic 4 for me was the most fun topic among all other topics. During Topic 4, we had this opportunity to utilize the knowledge we learned in the other 3 topics. On the other hand, designing a course with team members with different academic backgrounds was a bit challenging. Since AI has received a […]

INDIVIDUAL REFLECTIONS FOR Topic 3: Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning
Learning in communities can be considered a process of learning that takes place within a community or social group, which be informal or formal. In fact, learning in communities involves shared experiences, ideas, and perspectives. Learning in communities can occur through online discussion forums, social media platforms, or even in physical communities e.g. […]

Topic 2: Open Learning – Sharing and Openness
Through my group discussions, course webinars, and literature readings, I have come to a better understanding of the role of open learning and the challenges that I need to be aware of. I have also learned about the concept of ‘open educational practices’ (OEP) in higher education and their benefits (Santos, 2019). To begin with, […]