Thank you all for ONL241, and the adventure continues with ONL242

Hi there! Once more, we would like to thank you all: participants, co-facilitators and facilitators, guest lecturers, simply everyone involved, for all your engagement, making #ONL241 such a great learning journey! We hope you have enjoyed it as much as we have!! We are now looking forward and are planning for the next iteration #ONL242 […]

Finally the start of Topic 1 – Online participation & digital literacies!

Dear colleagues, We’ve seen a great start of #ONL241 with lots of activity in the common #ONL241 community space as well as in the PBL groups! It was also great to see so many of you at the connecting webinar! Plenty of participants met in breakout rooms and started to getting to know each other. […]

Lifelong learning brown bag webinar @VW

Today, I gave a short webinar for electrical engineers of Volkswagen AG in Germany on the topic of lifelong learning with the help of personal learning networks (PLNs). Here are my slides and below the links to the online resources. Lifelong learning – Wikipedia Personal learning network – Wikipedia The Difference Between Emergency Remote Teaching […]

OEglobal23 presentations

In October, I had the opportunity to participate in the Oeglobal23 conference in Edmonton, Canada. More on this shortly, but here my presentations in the meantime. Have Open Educational Resources finally arrived in Swedish Higher Education? Have Open Educational Resources finally arrived in Swedish Higher Education? from Jörg Pareigis ONL – A global cross institutional […]

Finally the start of Topic 1 – Online participation & digital literacies!

Dear colleagues, We’ve seen a great start of #ONL232 with lots of activity in the common #ONL232 community space as well as in the PBL groups! It was also great to see so many of you at the connecting webinar! Plenty of participants met in breakout rooms and started to getting to know each other. […]