Hi there!

Once more, we would like to thank you all: participants, co-facilitators and facilitators, guest lecturers, simply everyone involved, for all your engagement, making #ONL242 such a great learning journey! We hope you have enjoyed it as much as we have!!

We are now in the middle of planning for the next iteration #ONL251 starting on March, 3!

Anyone interested to join #ONL251 as an open learner can register your interest to participate here on the ONL site https://www.opennetworkedlearning.se/onl251-registration/. If you work at any of the collaborating institutions, you can find a list there with information who to contact!

We will be back with updates shortly, until then, take good care of yourself!

All the best from,

The ONL course organizers

Thank you all for ONL242, and the adventure continues with ONL251

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