As a university researcher and teacher, I rely heavily on digital tools for my work, including communication, research, and teaching. I consider myself a digital resident when it comes to teaching and research activities, but a digital visitor when it comes to social media. Digital literacy is a crucial skill for researchers and educators in […]
INDIVIDUAL REFLECTIONS FOR TOPIC 2: Open Learning – Sharing and Openness
“Disseminating knowledge is the human duty, sharing it about so that all can benefit.” ― Amy Snow, a novel by Tracy Rees Sharing is learning! Wait a minute, it may seem simple but in reality, it’s very complicated. We have tried to analyze some of the possible issues with sharing information in online education. Data […]
Individual reflections for Topic 1: Online participation and digital literacies
Topic 1 was a very interesting topic and it can be also considered as a future of learning in a modern AI world. However, several restrictions and limitations need to be considered before we go for the full implementation of digital literacies. In our team, we have divided digital learning into the following topics: 1- […]
Unlearning is the new learning
You’re basically tricking your brain into unlearning by engaging in new surroundings so you can unlearn one idea and learn another.
Topic 1: Online Participation and Digital Literacies
The COVID-19 pandemic saw the world embracing online learning as commonplace. However, with the new and innovative strategies and design of online learning courses, many students across the world have experienced challenges navigating this new space that can be exciting for some and daunting for others. To ensure a positive and seemingly smooth experience for […]
Reflections about topic 5
Hello to all! The aim of this blog is to reflect about my overall ONL course experience. During this short ONL trip, I learned a lot of things. But the first thing that comes to my mind is that I learned to be more open: More open to share my expertise online (via blogs), more […]
Reflections about topic 5
Hello to all! The aim of this blog is to reflect about my overall ONL course experience. During this short ONL trip, I learned a lot of things. But the first thing that comes to my mind is that I learned to be more open: More open to share my expertise online (via blogs), more […]
Reflections about blended learning
Hello to all, topic 4 is about the design for online and blended learning. Blended learning is an education model in which students learn via online media/tools as well as traditional tools.There is a difference between blended and hybrid learning, since in hybrid learning, the online learners and the in-person learners are/can be different, while […]
Blogs are weird but useful
ONL have been an eye opening for me, seeing different people from different cultured participating in the same activities. Even if we were all teachers, we still come from different placed and have different ideas about many things. We have written blo…
Reflections about collaborative learning
Topic 3 is about learning in communities and learning in collaborative learning. Most of the time, when we ask students to do a collaborative work, they end up by sharing the work into sub-tasks and then they do these sub-tasks individually. Collaborative learning is much more than that. In our PBL group, we focused our […]
A working blog for self-assessment?
I would never have started this blog if it would not be compulsory to the Open Network Learning (ONL) course. Especially writing an own…
Blended learning and multitaskning
Topic 4 had, yet again another interesting topic with many intersecting discussions. My PBL group focused on two things: Challenges of multitasking in blended learning and Models (or techniques/tools) for blended learning. When we discussed the challen…