Third topic of the training was focusing on the teachers’ well-being but also the well-being of the community. This is something I have learned: 1) It was very interesting was to stop and think about what are we talking about when we are talking about well-being. Who’s well-being are we talking about? Is there suchContinue reading “On a journey to the communal well-being – topic 3: Developing teachers’ well-being skills”
On a journey to the communal well-being – topic 2: Supporting the development of students’ well-being skills
For the second topic of the course we are thinking about students, their well-being and how to support them to develop their well-being skills. This is maybe the most familiar topic of all these three. Not in a sense that I would have the solutions and answers to all the issues this important topic raisesContinue reading “On a journey to the communal well-being – topic 2: Supporting the development of students’ well-being skills”
On a journey to the communal well-being – topic 1: Developing one’s own well-being skills
Last week (or last month) I have started a Finnish course “Matka yhteisölliseen hyvinvointiin” which would be something like a journey to the communal well-being in English. I love participating that course in Finnish but why am I writing my journey diary in English? First of all, I work a lot in English so IContinue reading “On a journey to the communal well-being – topic 1: Developing one’s own well-being skills”
Lessons Learnt and Future Practice
As a final task on this course, we are to define our key lessons learnt. The course has been different from what I expected, but it has been very interesting, and I have gotten a lot of new ideas and references. Below you find my personal reflections. …
Design for Online and Blended Learning
This fourth topic Design for Online and Blended Learning has been such an interesting topic! I would have liked to spend at least twice as much time on the subject! During my career, there has been a few occasions, where models/ways of working ha…
Learning in Communities – Networked Collaborative Learning
The third topic is on Learning in Communities – Networked Collaborative Learning. In our course material, Kay Oddone discusses personal learning networks (PLN), online learning communities and personal online learning networks. According to Kay …
Open Learning – Sharing and Openness
The second topic is Open Learning – Sharing and Openness. And it is a vast topic, covering such different areas as the individual creator´s rights to his/her creations as well as openness and rights to education from a societal perspective -…
Online participation and digital literacies
This is my first blog post in the course Open networked learning focused on teaching at universities in an open networked environment. I am attending the course as an open learner, not affiliated to any university. There will be five blog to…
Topic 5 – Reflection & Review
With topic 5 came the task of reflecting on what has been learnt. I unfortunately was booked off this week and on medication and therefore missed the Tuesday session. I think that ONL is aiding the change in the digital learning environment. I think because of the ONL course I became aware of the conceptContinue reading “Topic 5 – Reflection & Review”
Water photo created by wirestock – www.freepik.comWhat are the most important things that you have learnt through your engagement in the ONL course? Why?If asked whether or not to join the course my answer would definitely be that it is worth spending …
Water photo created by wirestock – www.freepik.comWhat are the most important things that you have learnt through your engagement in the ONL course? Why?If asked whether or not to join the course my answer would definitely be that it is worth spending …
Topic 5: Learning results and future practices
Time went fast. Before I joined this course, the facilitator in my own institution mentioned to us: it worth to take the course. I fully agree with her after the journey with the ONL 212. I have learned quite a lot of things during the learning process…