As a final task on this course, we are to define our key lessons learnt. The course has been different from what I expected, but it has been very interesting, and I have gotten a lot of new ideas and references. Below you find my personal reflections. …
Design for Online and Blended Learning
This fourth topic Design for Online and Blended Learning has been such an interesting topic! I would have liked to spend at least twice as much time on the subject! During my career, there has been a few occasions, where models/ways of working ha…
Learning in Communities – Networked Collaborative Learning
The third topic is on Learning in Communities – Networked Collaborative Learning. In our course material, Kay Oddone discusses personal learning networks (PLN), online learning communities and personal online learning networks. According to Kay …
Open Learning – Sharing and Openness
The second topic is Open Learning – Sharing and Openness. And it is a vast topic, covering such different areas as the individual creator´s rights to his/her creations as well as openness and rights to education from a societal perspective -…
Online participation and digital literacies
This is my first blog post in the course Open networked learning focused on teaching at universities in an open networked environment. I am attending the course as an open learner, not affiliated to any university. There will be five blog to…
Reflections on learning in a digital world 2021-11-27 20:12:00