
Topic 5: Final summarizing reflection

During the ONL222 course, I have come to understand that open networked learning and the increasing plethora of useful digital resources can offer great possibilities for instructors and learners alike. This course was inspiring due to the many good theories, ideas and practices shared within an interdisciplinary forum. Admittedly, at first, I expected this course […]

Learning in collaborative groups and networks

Topic 3: Constructive online collaboration requires intrinsic learner motivation, time, trust, shared values, and a balanced sharing of duties

Scenario 3 draws attention to lacking collaboration among students while working in groups. Capdeferro and Romero (2012) have identified in their research that students often feel frustrated in collaborative learning activities in online courses, particularly due to asymmetric collaboration, a lack of shared values and clear communication, and due to an imbalance regarding individual contributions […]

Topic 5

This is the final reflection for the ONL course, a journey that we started a few months back. Thinking back, I have got to know new people and learned from them as well as with them how to use for instance technology, online environments and problem based learning in my teaching. In this course we […]

Topic 4

In this reflection I will mainly focus on the theme of how I as a teacher could provide support and facilitation in online and blended learning environments. Based on my experience, I would say that a purely online course is easier to arrange than a blended learning course, in which the students can choose whether […]

…and so the story goes…

Topic 4 was again a walk down memory lane. It took me 12 years back on time when my former boss decided that, because of my training as a group facilitator and session moderator, or perhaps because of my well-known chutzpah to venture into uncharted territories, I might be able to design an online course […]

Topic 3

This topic and the proposed idea for individual learning on an occasion, in which real collaborative learning took place made me think the time I was doing my master’s in Sweden at KTH.  Collaborative learning can be defined as “a teaching method that brings together students to discuss a topic important for a given course […]