“…so leave your message and I’ll call you back […] You’re intruding on what’s mine And you’re taking up my time Don’t have the courage inside me To tell you please let me be Communication, a telephonic invasion I’m planning my escape…” In 1995, Gwen Stefani crooned these lines, part of the song “Spiderwebs” allegedly […]
Topic 2: Openness is a good goal to strive for – regardless of the mode of learning
For good pedagogical reasons, the ONL222 course is a forum which welcomes, fosters, and practices openness. Higher education institutions increasingly often emphasize the benefits of openness[1], with digital open resources and practices contributing to an increasing range of pedagogical possibilities. Generally, following Bali et al.’s (2020) understanding of different forms of openness, it is important […]
Topic 1: Encouraging students to gain confidence and empowering learning experiences
Analysis of Scenario 1 My first approach to analysing a scenario is to identify keywords which stand out in the description. Apparently, the learner described in scenario 1 is feeling excitement, yet anticipates challenges due to little experience in an online learning environment. In addition, the wide range of online tools and the learner’s perceived […]
Openness, freedom of speech, and misinformation – the tweeting twit or the twittered tweet?
OK, this week is about reflecting on the course – my first thought was, has it really been five weeks? Looking back, the first thing that I realized is that no matter how smashed I feel before our group work begins, I’m pumped up and ready to go a few minutes into the conversation. I […]
Topic 2
Previously I have come across to the concept of openness in relation to open science and open access. It was nice to see, how similar kind of thoughts were evoked. In relation to open access publishing, I had previously come across also the creative commons licenses that I at the time found quite difficult. Therefore, […]
The 1800 € pizza slice (a not so free creative common)
“Gin, where did you take this picture from?” the director’s voice was serious and worried. I looked at the picture shown on the screen, it was a photograph I took during the workshop referred to in the presentation, and so I declared. “Are you 100% sure?” insisted the director; of course I was sure! That […]
Am I a visitor or a resident in this digital world?
I am of an age where I grew up as the internet and technology grew up around me. I have been immersed in it since (almost) the beginning. However, I still consider myself more a visitor to the digital world. A visitor with a vague but definite footprint left behind. It is not due to […]
Topic 1
In this topic, the scenario made me to think about the relationship of confidence and capabilities in relation to digital technologies and their usage. Personally, I feel rather confident of my capabilities with digital tools and systems. I have grown up during the time that the evolution of digital tools has been rather fast, when […]
do we really want to move to the bottom-right quadrant?…
… particularly when we’re purposefuly opting out of the upper-right? (OK, better said: trying to steer clear from the right quadrant altogether) Let me explain, David White’s interesting representation of our lives online started with the continuum between visitor – resident, personal-professional matrix, bringing about very valid points about how we choose (?) to spend […]
…well, hello there
The last time I tried writting a blog was exactly 13 years ago, when I moved to Karlskrona, Sweden, and my friends – some of them sick of my incredibly long emails full of accounts of my life, thoughts and whatnots, kindly suggested creating a blog instead of… sending them kilometric emails they felt compelled […]
Hello world!
Welcome to Open Networked Learning. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
Hello world!
Welcome to Open Networked Learning. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!