…and so the story goes…

Topic 4 was again a walk down memory lane. It took me 12 years back on time when my former boss decided that, because of my training as a group facilitator and session moderator, or perhaps because of my well-known chutzpah to venture into uncharted territories, I might be able to design an online course […]

do we really want to move to the bottom-right quadrant?…

… particularly when we’re purposefuly opting out of the upper-right? (OK, better said: trying to steer clear from the right quadrant altogether) Let me explain, David White’s interesting representation of our lives online started with the continuum between visitor – resident, personal-professional matrix, bringing about very valid points about how we choose (?) to spend […]

…well, hello there

The last time I tried writting a blog was exactly 13 years ago, when I moved to Karlskrona, Sweden, and my friends – some of them sick of my incredibly long emails full of accounts of my life, thoughts and whatnots, kindly suggested creating a blog instead of… sending them kilometric emails they felt compelled […]