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Sustainable Developments /Graduate course ARCH553 /EMU
The course equips participants with ability to assess different scales of development in relation to different context and different concern (Global/Local) of development within the framework of sustainability. Moreover, understanding and assessing ‘Sustainability’ upon different approaches in regarding to different focuses (Urban, Building Technology, Structure/Construction, Education, Environmental Issues, etc.). Students submissions are : ARCH553 2018.10.23 […]
Remote Education/ Introduction to design
By first announce of finding the first cases in Northern Cyprus like other part of the world, life and education never returned back to the normal we were use to. schools immediately started to establish and active their remote education mode and Platforms. My school (EMU) very quickly provided us Microsoft team License and every […]
Inexperience is an Asset to be Exploited: Zero Budget Design and Build Practice
Students’ project: Farc102-Dept. Architecture EMU-Spring 2021 Assoc.Prof.Dr. Badiossadat Hassanpour
Students’ project- First year Second semester- Eastern Mediterranean University-Spring 2020-2021 Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Badiossadat Hassanpour Students Names: FRANCESCA AKELLO ODEKE / UGANDA LISA MUTHONI / KENYA BERFİN EK / TURKEY MARYAM ABASSI / PALESTINE FERAS MORRAR / UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
Course Development : post graduate core course called Interdisciplinary Workshop
THE ABSENT THING Not in the place where it is expected to be Questioning is an art that, particularly, architects and academicians should never lose. The endless questioning habit of toddlers, which is scarcely witnessed in higher education, can deploy citizens, politicians, architects, and scholars in procedures of problem solving rather than solution making. Indeed, the practice of questioning is needed to […]

Topic 5 Final Reflection
Looking back on the past three months, I realize this course wasn’t just about learning new things; it was a journey that encouraged my love for learning and working with others. One of the biggest things I’ll take away from this course is the power of teamwork. Sharing ideas with the members of my […]

An experience with AI…
I confess that this was the most difficult topic for me and that is the reason I’ve been postponing this reflection. I really don’t know what to write. I think I’m still reflecting on it, without arriving at any conclusion… We (PBL group) choose to try out ChatGPT to help us with something related to […]

The arrival…
Taking part in ONL 241 was quite a ride! Topic 1 was the most impactful for me. It was like discovering a whole new world. Even using several digital tools, I was unaware of how I used them. It was just a natural thing of life. However, I learned a lot of new tools and […]

Sticky notes & Open tabs
I applied for a job recently, and it got me thinking about one of my shortcomings when interviewing with people who don’t know me already. I’m a great synthesizer – I can hear and process many pieces of information, and quickly articulate big-picture meaning in a way that many people have noticed and appreciated asContinue reading “Sticky notes & Open tabs”

TOPIC 4: From HI to AI
In our PBL05 group ‘Take V’, we really played with the AI and came up with our slogan for the presentation ‘HI, carefully choose your ‘AI’. We all had a different specific goal we wanted to achieve by experimenting with ChatGPT, summarized benefits and drawbacks and also put together some remedies for specific issues one […]

From Wet Labs to Virtual Simulations: Generative AI in Diverse Courses (Focus on the applicability of AI across different subjects)
The scenario for Topic 4 presents a common challenge faced by educators in today’s digital age – designing effective online courses while integrating emerging technologies like Generative AI. This technology has the potential to enhance learning experiences through personalized content… Continue Reading →