On this page you will find all reflections from participants who connected their individual reflection space.

Easter brings a delightful mix of traditions – the sweet aroma of hot cross buns, the hunt for hidden chocolate eggs and bunnies, and for some, the savoury indulgence of curried fish. This season also offers a chance to reflect on the concept of “openness” and the treasures it holds, much like the hidden treats […]
Another of my group members shares my nostalgia for the promise of the early internet, and it has me thinking more about what it was that excited me at the time. I remember poetry, busy background images, card games, forums, and chat rooms. A bit later – music pirating, blogs, early social network sites, skype,Continue reading "How do gardens grow?"
These two weeks of ONL journey brought me through an impactful, challenging and encouraging ride on open education practices in the time of generative AI use. It was impactful to dialogue with my PBL group and the larger community of educators connected through Dr Maha Bali’s talk, who shared our honest concerns and struggles with […]
For Week Two’s topic on open learning – sharing and openness, my team and I unpacked the concept of “openness” in the context of open educational resources (OER), in which we identified what OER is, its benefits, and challenges. As a university tutor who capitalises on social interactions in order to make learning for my […]
In the realm of open learning, the ethos of sharing and openness serves as a guiding principle, shaping the dynamics of collaborative knowledge exchange and fostering a sense of belonging within learning communities. Reflecting on my experience within a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) group in the Open Networked Learning (ONL) community, I’ve come to realize the […]
Part I: Is Open Education “real” education? I remember the first time I encountered a MOOC, way back in 2009, when I was starting my bachelor’s degree. It was Michael Sandel’s Justice: What’s The Right Thing To Do?. Not only was the course fantastic, but the idea that I could watch a class from Harvard […]
Working with topic 2 has definitely been an eye-opener for me. As I wrote in my previous blog post, I entered this course with quite a bit of confidence and the belief that I had a pretty good grasp of the subject matter. In our group work, we chose to focus on the definition of […]
Photo by Jaredd Craig on Unsplash The topic of openness in science and education is becoming increasingly relevant in today’s society. While the benefits are clear, I also have my doubts and dilemmas about how to explore this new landscape. It’s not just about increased access to information and accelerated scientific progress, but also about […]
Embarking on our journey with ONL24 has proven to be an enlightening experience, particularly as we delve into the complexities of online participation and digital literacies. The discussions within our group have been rich with diverse perspectives, reflecting the varied experiences and challenges faced by educators worldwide. The pandemic period forced a rapid transition to […]
Here I am, embarking on this exciting journey through a course that promises to challenge me in ways I can’t yet imagine! I have no doubt that I’ll emerge transformed by the endof it 🙂
Hi world! Finally have I had a chance to sit down and write my reflections regarding Topic 1, where we discussed online participation and digital literacies. The videos and the webinar with Dave White were extremely insightful as they prompted me to ponder about my digital presence in a theoretical and more structured way. Having […]
Imagine a world where scientific knowledge is accessible to everyone with internet connection around the globe. And I don’t mean media articles where information is digested and translated (and often misunderstood and miscommunicated) before getting to the public, I mean... Continue Reading →