2022-03-05 14:24:31
Lotta Åbjörnsson
Dear colleagues, Finally we have set off for the exciting learning journey of ONL221 and there is already lots of activity in the ONL221 community and on twitter, using hashtag #ONL221! There are close to 80 registered participants who will study in 11 mixed PBL groups! In the course common ONL221 community there are also […]
2024-09-16 00:39:35
Jörg Pareigis
Now it’s officially time to start a new iteration of the course! A warm welcome to all the new participants and team members! We hope you all are ready for a collaborative learning journey. The first week of the course is called Getting started and that is what it is all about – getting familiar […]
2024-09-13 08:11:10
Jörg Pareigis
Very soon, we finally kick-off #ONL242 and what an iteration it will be! We got record high interest of Open Learners in the course from the Unigloh alliance as well as the EUNICE alliance. Both are part of the European Universities initiative – European Education Area (europa.eu) and we are extremely happy to integrate ONL […]
2024-05-18 10:37:43
Jörg Pareigis
It is with great pleasure that we can announce the publication of “Open networked learning – a course, a community, an approach” in the International Journal for Academic Development! The article is the result of a great collaboration between current and past course organizers, the ONL research sub-team, as well as colleagues from the Centre […]
2024-05-18 10:15:44
Jörg Pareigis
Hi there! Once more, we would like to thank you all: participants, co-facilitators and facilitators, guest lecturers, simply everyone involved, for all your engagement, making #ONL241 such a great learning journey! We hope you have enjoyed it as much as we have!! We are now looking forward and are planning for the next iteration #ONL242 […]
2024-05-06 14:35:08
Filip Levälahti
We are thrilled to extend our heartfelt appreciation to every participant and facilitator who played a pivotal role in making this course a resounding success. The energy, enthusiasm, and insights you brought to the table were truly priceless. We are deeply grateful for your commitment to fostering a cooperative and stimulating learning environment for all. […]
2024-05-03 19:11:29
Anna Zemskova
Hi world! During the sessions, devoted to Topic 3, we have been discussing fostering collaborative learning among students. As a result of our fruitful discussions, a lot of fascinating aspects, relating to this topic, were revealed. At the end of Topic 3 I began to puzzle myself over a question “What are the key ingredients […]
2024-05-03 10:55:46
Johanna Karlsson
Being part of the ONL course has been really eye-opening for me. When I signed up for ONL 241, I was hoping to shake things up a bit and find some new ideas. I felt like I was in a bit of a rut at work. In Topic 1, we talked a lot about how […]
2024-05-03 06:48:32
Aneé Sieberhagen
Topic 4 Reflection Let’s delve into why using AI-generated content to compile content for online or blended learning courses might not be the most suitable approach in course design. Some points to ponder. 1. Lack of Contextual Understanding While AI models can generate text, they often lack a deep understanding of context, nuance, and the […]
2024-05-02 17:28:20
Vesna Bulatović
Looking back on the past three months, I realize this course wasn’t just about learning new things; it was a journey that encouraged my love for learning and working with others. One of the biggest things I’ll take away from this course is the power of teamwork. Sharing ideas with the members of my […]
2024-05-02 16:12:39
Yusein Redzheb Ali
In today’s society, our basic physiological and safety needs, as per Maslow’s hierarchy, are mostly satisfied. Consequently, it is challenging to argue that we are making decisions to attain a task or goal to fulfill our low-level needs. Instead, we seek to satisfy higher needs such as (see, e.g., Uses and Gratification Theory ): Cognitive […]
2024-05-02 12:34:13
Alexandra Doroftei
I confess that this was the most difficult topic for me and that is the reason I’ve been postponing this reflection. I really don’t know what to write. I think I’m still reflecting on it, without arriving at any conclusion… We (PBL group) choose to try out ChatGPT to help us with something related to […]
2024-05-02 12:25:22
Alexandra Doroftei
Taking part in ONL 241 was quite a ride! Topic 1 was the most impactful for me. It was like discovering a whole new world. Even using several digital tools, I was unaware of how I used them. It was just a natural thing of life. However, I learned a lot of new tools and […]