
Willingness & challenges of open learning

Our university National University of Singapore has offered MOOC – Massive Open Online Courses on two platforms on edX ( and Coursera (  The courses are from different schools and faculties and are offered for free to all. I believe the courses were selected or have some process of approval procedure to publish on […]


Topic 1: Online participation and digital literacies

It has been two weeks of exploring the topic of online participation and digital literacies with our PBL group members. Seems everybody has their own perspective on this. For me, the scenario exactly described myself when the pandemic first started. Well selected, ONL course creators. Not to mention the online lessons, I totally had no […]



Registered for an Open Network Learning course, and I need to start my own blog; so I am a social media person now. Yeah!!! I have read the introduction of the course carefully, and it said that I even could explore an opportunity of work, presentation etc through the blog. Do the organizers of conferences […]