I have already implemented the tools and conceptual models I have learned in ONL191 quite extensively in my work. Looking back on the four topics, from the vantage point of this one (the lessons learned), I am quite surprised at just how much water has passed under the bridge since our first meeting. In Topic … Fortsätt läsa Final reflections on ONL191: Lessons learned and the way forward
Designing online and blended learning (Topic 4)
The importance of proper design of courses is why I am sure many of took this course. Over the give topics and the various PBL topics we worked through, we all developed strong opinions on the correct way to design a course so that its participants are really engaged in the learning process in a … Fortsätt läsa Designing online and blended learning (Topic 4)
Thinking through my own learning network (Topic 3)
The idea of collaborating with other people has always been quite scary to me. In general, if I have a particular goal, especially one to do with learning, I would far prefer doing my best to obtain it on my own, without bothering other people – or in fact without having them bother me. Collaboration … Fortsätt läsa Thinking through my own learning network (Topic 3)
Opening up my own teaching and learning practice
The issues of open learning for me seem to revolve around ownership – but also about accountability, and about the kind of communities we want to build. One of the things that seems very useful to me is opening up my practice to comment by other educators, and the potential use by educators and students … Fortsätt läsa Opening up my own teaching and learning practice
Topic 2: Open Learning – sharing & openness
Hello everybody! We used CANVA to discuss the opportunities and dangers presented by Open Learning. We hope you enjoy looking at it! Sincere regards Group 8 Check out our work here
Plurilingual digital literacies
In my previous post I argued that Prensky’s (2001) dividing of digital literacies into ”native” and ”immigrant” was reductive and colonial. In this post I will discuss Doug some more recent contributions to understanding digital literacies. White and Le Cornu’s (2011) distinction between ”visitor” and ”resident” seems already more promising than Prensky’s between ”native” and … Fortsätt läsa Plurilingual digital literacies
On digital monolingualism
The American academy in a number of fields seems to prize above all else the scholar who can reduce a complex phenomenon to a catch-phrase, or analogise the unfamiliar to the familiar, convincing colleagues and the public that there is a clear and compelling answer to their questions. Marc Prensky’s ”Digital Natives” versus ”Digital Immigrants” … Fortsätt läsa On digital monolingualism
Första dag i Lund
Jag har precis kommit fram till Lund – min första gång idag, och solen skiner mitt i februari! Jag ser fram emot ett spännande möte i eftermiddagen.