The end of the course – final thoughts

For this reflection I am using the guiding questions: What are the most important things you have learned through your engagement in the ONL course? Why? That collaborative work can be fun and enriching! In the ONL course I have learned how a functioning Blended Learning course can be designed, how much influence the participants […]


Topic 4: Blended Learning – some thoughts

When thinking about a Blended Learning course I am a bit hesitant. I love the idea of blending synchronous and asynchronous phases as both offer a variety of opportunities and can encourage learning in different ways. The perfect mix can get the students to great learning outcomes. But why am I hesitant? Because there need […]

Collaborative working exceeded my expectations

Learning communities are not an unknown concept. We basically start when we are students at school. Mostly, we do not see the advantages (except when you are the person who is free riding). Mostly it is more work and less efficient. BUT when I got older and started university I realised that there are some […]

Long way towards residency

These two weeks of the course thinking about online participation and digital literacies I am now more aware of what it contains. I want to see the meta level where I am a student and on the other hand a teacher. Not so long ago I have been a student at the university, being thrown […]

Getting started and connecting week

/Here some thoughts: Before starting this course I didn’t know what to expect from it. My colleague recommended this course and said that this is a really valuable experience. So here I am writing my first reflection post on my own wordpress – I have already learned something for sure! I am excited to start […]


Getting started and connecting week

/Here some thoughts: Before starting this course I didn’t know what to expect from it. My colleague recommended this course and said that this is a really valuable experience. So here I am writing my first reflection post on my own wordpress – I have already learned something for sure! I am excited to start […]