
Topic 4  Design for online and blended learning 

Group work  Collaboration and group-work are used frequently in traditional, online and blended learning. Therefore my refection in this topic is about group work.  Educational research has shown that group work has many benefits such as positive impact on long-term material retention, critical thinking, and communication skills (Benson et el., 2019). Research also shows that … Fortsätt läsa ”Topic 4  Design for online and blended learning ”


How collaborative was the process in my PBL group with the task?

My refection on topic 3. Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning Collaborative learning has an important place in higher education. Accordingly, group work assignments are often used as a form of examination.  It is therefore not surprising that there was a strong   interest in my PBL group in increasing collaborative learning within group tasks. One of … Fortsätt läsa How collaborative was the process in my PBL group with the task? 


How collaborative was the process in my PBL group with the task?

My refection on topic 3. Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning Collaborative learning has an important place in higher education. Accordingly, group work assignments are often used as a form of examination.  It is therefore not surprising that there was a strong   interest in my PBL group in increasing collaborative learning within group tasks. One of … Fortsätt läsa How collaborative was the process in my PBL group with the task? 

From a digital dinosaur to the goal of developing own digital literacies:

   Who I am as an individual in the digital age, and what characterizes my journey so far My experience so far I have never played tv games or games on the computer (not because that I am against it, but they never been my priority) As I am originally from another country, I have … Fortsätt läsa From a digital dinosaur to the goal of developing own digital literacies:  

From a digital dinosaur to the goal of developing own digital literacies:

   Who I am as an individual in the digital age, and what characterizes my journey so far My experience so far I have never played tv games or games on the computer (not because that I am against it, but they never been my priority) As I am originally from another country, I have … Fortsätt läsa From a digital dinosaur to the goal of developing own digital literacies:  

From a digital dinosaur to the goal of developing own digital literacies:

Who I am as an individual in the digital age, and what characterizes my journey so far My experience so far I have never played tv games or games on the computer (not because that I am against it, but they never been my priority) As I am originally from another country, I have usedFortsätt läsa From a digital dinosaur to the goal of developing own digital literacies:  

New times

I have always been interested in teaching issues and engagement particularly. I think it is even more important and exciting to discuss pedagogical challenges in new times when boundaries between campus and online teaching have been less str…

New times

I have always been interested in teaching issues and engagement particularly. I think it is even more important and exciting to discuss pedagogical challenges in new times when boundaries between campus and online teaching have been less str…