Depending on who’s asking, a meme is a novel evolutionary concept, a complex cultural phenomenon, of a picture with a writing in Impact font, white-filled, with a black border. Topic 5, at the conclusion of our ONL journey, discusses briefly what we have learned, and asks us to put our conclusions in meme form. What… Continue reading Topic 5: ceci n’est pas un meme
Topic 4 and the cult of online blended learning
Something that I struggle with, in the context of online learning, is the enthusiasm of people. It seems to me that both teachers and learners tend to be very peppy about the topics of online learning, bleanded learning, flipped classrooms: it is difficult for me to detect the difference between a useful new concept and… Continue reading Topic 4 and the cult of online blended learning
Topic 3: Networked Collaborative Learning
How is learning in a group more valuable than the sum of its parts? And how can we communicate this added value to the students efficiently. A main challenge, in my opinion, rests on the individual personalities of the group members. There will always be cultural differences that affect the work, but in the end… Continue reading Topic 3: Networked Collaborative Learning
Topic 2: sharing and openness
Our angle on the topic of openness was: how does it relate to equality? The main goal of open online education is accessibility, and through that accessibility, equal resources granted for all. However, access alone does not guarantee equality: not only due to literacy or to the availability of network connections, but due to the… Continue reading Topic 2: sharing and openness
Topic 1: online participation and digital literacies
It’s quite appropriate that the first topic that we face is focused on online participation, because the main challenge of the first week is exactly to understand one’s own degree and mode of participation. In my case, I was quite unable to follow the many platforms on which we were expected to communicate, which led… Continue reading Topic 1: online participation and digital literacies