I learnt a lot during the ONL course and I also had a good time with my PBL-Group. The best thing best were the discussions in the group with really expanded my knowledge base.Also it was nice to get different views from different countries so that I could come out of my German influenced “learning-bubble” … Continue reading Good Bey ONL!
Design for online learning
This week was all about online and blended learning.In my facility we are normally using a blended learning design.Starting with some text-input and an online questionnaire and than a first in-person meeting. In the first meeting the participants get some more information for the topic and they organize themselves into groups for the exam. The … Continue reading Design for online learning
Collaborative Learning
In this topic I reflected the benefits and restrictions of collaborative learning.I think sometimes collaborative learning is a new hype but it’s not adequate for every topic or every group. I think the biggest advantages for me are the possibility to discuss a topic and to collect new ideas. You can get really creative and … Continue reading Collaborative Learning
Open Educational Ressources
This Week we talked a lot about OER (Open Educational Ressources) and our experiences with them.For me OER are an ideal tool for learning especially in higher education. I think it’s very important to publish articles and research findings in general open and free. Therefore everyone no matter of there country or status has access … Continue reading Open Educational Ressources
Digital literacies in the Corona-Pandemic
For me and I think many other participants of the course a lot happened this week.Last week everything was nearly normal and now I am doing home-office and I’m only leaving my apartment to by groceries.Everything important is now transferred to the web. Work, hobbies, friends and family. Everything is digital these days while the … Continue reading Digital literacies in the Corona-Pandemic
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