Cannot believe that this is coming to an end!!! Time just pass so fast. I never thought I will be able to enjoy my online course as much as I am right now. It is kind of sad to know that this is coming to an end. Being a junior educator in higher education sector,Continue reading “Reflecting on ONL”
Virtual Class and it’s problems
After having one semester of virtual class, I see that students’ engagement/ commitment is one of the main issue I am having. It was not easy to engage them virtually and I felt that often I ended up answering to my own questions. However, I am glad that I am attending this ONL course becauseContinue reading “Virtual Class and it’s problems”
Collaborative Learning
I was reading about students’ experience on collaborative learning while marking their assignment. As expressed by them, working together is not easy, especially during with this pandemic situation where everything move to digital mode. Issues brought up were situation like unfamiliarity of content, not knowing each other, lack of leadership, no common goals, too muchContinue reading “Collaborative Learning”
~Thoughts~ Uncertainty/ fear of unknown is always present when you step out of your comfort zone. But how can we overcome this? Building a rapport/ relationship somewhat helps to overcome this fear and settle into the new environment. Communication is an important factor in enhancing relationship and communication does not just mean talking. Those subtleContinue reading “Openness”
Digital Native VS Digital Immigrant
Do you agree that we are all digital users? The terms ‘Digital Native’ and ‘Digital Immigrant’ came out very prominently during this week Webinar and it make thinking… Who am I (in the digital/technology world)? Introducing myself once again: I am Erica, a digital immigrant, and is hoping to become fluent in the use ofContinue reading “Digital Native VS Digital Immigrant”
I believe I am a true Pisces, a creative creature. My hobbies are built around creativity: drawing, crafting, knitting, scrapbooking, card making, attempt to explore clay modelling and painting… BUT little did I know that Creativity is so much needed in academic education! I joined the world of educators in Jan 2020. This was aContinue reading “Creative”