Topic 3: Learning in Communities– Networked Collaborative Learning

After a one week break to reflect on our progress thus far, we were introduced to the third ONL course topic on learning in communities. In particular, we focused on collaborative learning within networks. As a group, we discussed the differences between cooperative and collaborative learning, and the difference between PLCs and PLNs. Our groupContinue reading “Topic 3: Learning in Communities– Networked Collaborative Learning”

Topic 2: Open Learning – Sharing and Openness

Open learning, and their challenges and successes, was the focus of the second ONL course topic. PBL group discussions for topic 2 were spirited, especially because each member interpreted ‘openness’ differently, and had different thresholds of comfort for material they share or make public. From the topic lectures, we were introduced to the 4Rs in sharingContinue reading “Topic 2: Open Learning – Sharing and Openness”