A journey of which I didn’t know where it would end and what exactly the destination would be. Like with any trip, with your travel companions you have to decide what you want to explore. And that’s what we did with PBL group 13! A good trip comes with good memories. This trip has been […]
Topic 4 Implementing Blended Learning
During topic 4, we focused on the question ‘how to convince the head of the department to start with blended learning’. The scenario of Topic 4: “I have recently attended a course in online learning and it has offered many new insights regarding transformative opportunities for my own teaching. So how can I now put […]
Getting connected
In the beginning I found it a bit overwhelming what was coming at me. I also had to get used to planning the online synchronous sessions and the preparations. In combination with a family, work and other activities it took some time to manage it. I think this is an aspect of studying part-time students […]
How to reveal the benefits of informal learning in online communities?
Over the past decades, informatica and communication technology (ICT) became more and more intertwined in our daily lives. ICT transformed the way people work, communicate and …the way we learn. My profession as instructional designer wouldn’t exist without ICT. Online technology has influenced the way we share information, the way we generate knowledge and how […]
Topic 2 – To MOOC or not to MOOC
Integrating MOOCS in traditionally taught courses The first acquaintance I had with open and online educational resources (OER) dates back years ago in the form of a MOOC. MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Courses (Bralic & Divjak, 2018). MOOCs are online courses open to all who have access to an internet connection and are […]
Topic 1 Online participation & digital literacies
My digital citizen journey As a forty-something-year-old I belong to the Millennials according to the following classification (in another classification I belong to the Generation X). Source: Technologycityin.com I’m of a generation who made school reports on a typewriter. I even wrote reports by hand. And I remember my first time on a computer; 1986. We […]