
Topic 4 Implementing Blended Learning

During topic 4, we focused on the question ‘how to convince the head of the department to start with blended learning’. The scenario of Topic 4: “I have recently attended a course in online learning and it has offered many new insights regarding transformative opportunities for my own teaching. So how can I now put […]

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Getting connected

In the beginning I found it a bit overwhelming what was coming at me. I also had to get used to planning the online synchronous sessions and the preparations. In combination with a family, work and other activities it took some time to manage it. I think this is an aspect of studying part-time students […]

Four open practices of OER use into curriculum

Topic 2 – To MOOC or not to MOOC

Integrating MOOCS in traditionally taught courses The first acquaintance I had with open and online educational resources (OER) dates back years ago in the form of a MOOC. MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Courses (Bralic & Divjak, 2018). MOOCs are online courses open to all who have access to an internet connection and are […]


Topic 1 Online participation & digital literacies

My digital citizen journey As a forty-something-year-old I belong to the Millennials according to the following classification (in another classification I belong to the Generation X).  Source: I’m of a generation who made school reports on a typewriter. I even wrote reports by hand. And I remember my first time on a computer; 1986. We […]