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Looking back
Looking back to ONL191 I start to realize how important the international exchange between the teachers can be. In fact, many of us face similar challenges in spite of cultural, social and other differences between our countries. And knowing about these similarities gives you a feeling of not being alone. At the same time, the […]
Express yourself!
Photo by Mark Daynes on Unsplash In a workshop I attended last year a colleague of mine blamed me for expressing my emotions openly on several issues we discussed. For him it exceeded the boundaries of what he thought was a proper behavior in academic environment. I remember how confused I felt by that … Continue reading Express yourself!
Pedagogical Solitude
Photo by Keegan Houser on Unsplash After having read the articles listed under topic 3 I realized that they implied some news about me as a teacher and instructor. The good news is that I am on the right way in my teaching practice, or at least it seems to me that I do … Continue reading Pedagogical Solitude
Breaking out of Panopticon
Photo by Jean-Guy Nakars on Unsplash While reflecting on openness in education I came to think of panopticon, a special type of prison building that is used as a metaphor for disciplinary mechanisms ruling modern society. Due to its circular structure with an inspection tower in the middle the prisoners permanently feel themselves being observed. … Continue reading Breaking out of Panopticon
Living on the Verge of the Worlds
Photo by Mahkeo on Unsplash I always knew that I was living on the verge of two worlds, the world of my parents who grew up and spent their best years in Soviet era being liable to the totalitarian order, and the world of my students who grew up in the independent country sharing and … Continue reading Living on the Verge of the Worlds