Blended learning

Probably the best way to go! Welcoming technology without a goodbye to a must in physical engagement.

Carefully planned curriculum which utilises appropriate tools allow asynchronous sharing, teaching and learning. It allows modern learners to lea…



Openness in my world has led to advancement, extensive collaboration in the face of pressing needs. An explosion of information overload. From individual patient medical and health data to global scale pandemic solutions. Ideally sharing would allow access to others to recreate and circulate. What better way to make new knowledge accessible for all toContinue reading “OPEN”


Looking forward to a season of learning, to be loss in the world of expectant exploration, of undefined areas of uncharted waters personally in the sea of blogs.

Much like opening pandora box, unlike my defined life as a family physician.



Post first session of connection week

It was mind boggling that the world has indeed been reduced to a mere screen of educators from different parts of the globe. All in my little metallic equipment.

It’s a small world after all&#8230…