
A beginning not an end …

The journey throughout this course has been utterly stimulating. The course facilitated a quantum leap in my knowledge. When thinking about individual moments, I cannot see any peculiarities. However, when I consider the whole picture with all the moments combined, I find it so inspirational and extremely valuable for teachers. It is like a puzzle; […]


Collaborate or Cooperate, whichever is best for language learning?

When reading the scenario for this topic, the first thing that came to my mind was the extent to which I am trasnparent in explaining to my students the difference between these two working formats. First things first, the two verbs “to collaborate” and “to cooperate” are often used interchangeably to mean people working jointly […]

Pedagogy comes first!

Technology has become an indispensable tool in education. Its use transcends those learning platforms that organize the teaching content and is now manifested in many digital resources, such as games, apps, learning channels, etc. All of these and many are often associated with “revolutionized and progressive education”. A quick look at any university platform, the […]


A resident; beyond social visibility

Pensky (2001) makes a distinction between what he calls “digital natives” and “digital immigrants.” Digital natives, according to him, are natives” and “digital immigrants”. Digital natives, according to him, are those born digital and enjoy a digital sensitivity and show skillful use. In contrast, digital immigrants are those who have possible adaptation problems with technology […]