Designing Online and Blended Learning: the story of a teacher

The phone call Beep-beep, beep-beep, beep-beep! – Hello, this is teacher XX speaking? – Hi there teacher, Corona here. I just want to let you know that from now on, you need to teach everything online. Just make sure you include all students, provide social, cognitive, and teaching presence (or learner-learner, learner-content, and learner-teacher interactions),Fortsätt läsa “Designing Online and Blended Learning: the story of a teacher”


Open, Sesame!

The topic for this reflective text is Opennes in Education. I have thoroughly pondered upon it over the last two weeks. I started by examining the content of the word ‘open’ looking at how it is used in various idiomatic expressions. I found that many had a positive ring to them and nice images poppedFortsätt läsa “Open, Sesame!”

Online participation and digital literacies: making sense of a brain stew

Fully immersed in the first topic of the ONL-course, I’m aware that it is much more time-consuming than I anticipated, despite the fact that all participants were warned about this. ‘Online participation and digital literacies’ is a challenging topic, though, and a fun one at that. I’m sure that in a scan, my brain looksFortsätt läsa “Online participation and digital literacies: making sense of a brain stew”

A new first!

So this is what it feels like to be blogging! Interesting. Although I’m still somewhat confused about the difference between the tabs ”Home” and ”Blog”. Oh well, I guess it ‘ll sort itself out somewhere along the way. Anyways, I’m supposed to be writing reflective blogposts regarding topics we discuss in a course I’m enrolledFortsätt läsa “A new first!”