At the beginning of the course I thought I was digitally literate but this course has opened me up to many other tools and platforms that I would not have discovered on my own, the challenge was for me to find ways that I could incorporate the teaching in my own life. The course hasContinue reading “MY ONL192 REFLECTIONS”
Design for online and blended learning
In this topic the focus was shifted from being students/participants to being facilitators where we would try and design an online blended course that would promote student engagement, community and collaborative learning. We discussed about how important it is for the student learning process to feel part of the community, and it is the facilitatorsContinue reading “Design for online and blended learning”
Networked collaborative learning
A personal learning network (PLN) is your network, which can be as simple as following a group of educators on Twitter, networks are created around the learners own context. Can situate within a multitude of tools so as to access different resources, people and ideas, it is openly networked and there is easy entry whereContinue reading “Networked collaborative learning”
Open education and learning
I had to lead this topic and I wasn’t ready but the more I read the literature and researched, it became easier to grasp. My job was to lead the group discussions and try to get everyone involved, everyone had their own views and perspectives but the most prevalent view that we agreed on wasContinue reading “Open education and learning”
Topic 1 Online participation and digital literacy
The first 2 weeks tackling this topic have been a learning experience, mostly confusing because were all trying to get ourselves familiar with the resources that we have to use. When tackling this topic I was asking myself what is digital literacy and in what ways am I digitally literate, the literature spoke on 2Continue reading “Topic 1 Online participation and digital literacy”