I started this adventure because I wanted to scratch the itch for more ways to interact with the students outside the classroom. I have used in the past tools like Live@Lund to mediocre… Continue reading →
Topic 4: Design for online and blended learning
This topic follows very nicely the previous one regarding its emphasis in the different presences: social presence, cognitive presence, and teaching presence. However this topic adds the emotional aspect of learning as a… Continue reading →
Topic 3: Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning
Let’s start this post by mentioning that it was at this point into the ONL course where I realized that our learning subjects where mirroring our learning experiences. From this point on it… Continue reading →
Topic 2: Open Learning – Sharing and Openness
Based on the previous post, let’s say I decided to stay and be a digital resident in my institutional persona. What options are there? Where do I start? In this analogy, which neighborhood… Continue reading →
Topic 1: Online participation & digital literacies
Visitor or resident? So, based on the video above by David White of the University of Oxford and his model people can be classified as belonging to two groups: visitors and residents. Visitors… Continue reading →
Our Five Stage Learning Race
Here we showcase VoiceThread as our way to express our journey using the Five Stage Model. Check out our work here
Here we go …
… become to teach I try to learn how to learn …