As the ONL202 ends, this post is a great exercise to reflect on what I (or we, the PLB14) learned during this course. I think to bring such a story to fruition, I probably...

A course, a community, an approach
As the ONL202 ends, this post is a great exercise to reflect on what I (or we, the PLB14) learned during this course. I think to bring such a story to fruition, I probably...
Topic 4 kicked my OCD and I didn’t seem to let go. In our PBL we discussed quite a lot about what is the main difference between learning communities and communities of inquiry. It...
Topic 4 kicked my OCD and I didn’t seem to let go. In our PBL we discussed quite a lot about what is the main difference between learning communities and communities of inquiry. It...
This week’s topic brought to our PBL discussion the issue of defining a learning community, and most importantly, in our role as teachers, on how to lead a learning community. My personal belief is...
This reflection was inspired by our discussions in the group and partly co-authored with Jonas Widtfelter. It stems from an attempt to figure out the push for digital literacy across the board. The pressures...
Topic 2 of the ONL202 course took us to a difficult discussion this last week. When our PBL discussed how to be open and how to know how much open can we be or...
The reason why I am taking this course is to sharpen my pedagogical skills during a pandemic period in which we are ‘forced’ to online teaching. The ONL is very promising in that regard....
The reason why I am taking this course is to sharpen my pedagogical skills during a pandemic period in which we are ‘forced’ to online teaching. The ONL is very promising in that regard....
When the state of academia turns more and more towards a ‘Publish or Perish’ model, the focus on teaching slowly reduces. It is not a new development that it is less important to ‘perform’...
When the state of academia turns more and more towards a ‘Publish or Perish’ model, the focus on teaching slowly reduces. It is not a new development that it is less important to ‘perform’...
Well done! You imported a post and all categories of the Open Networked Learning course homepage. You can edit or delete this post, then start blogging by creating a new post! You might also...
I am on my way back home from Lisbon. I just attended and presented at the 5th European Communication Conference by ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association). This is the first conference of...