ONL211 course finished almost a month ago, and it is time to reflect what I have learned and how has ONL211 changed my thoughts of online learning and teaching. I have to say that it is really difficult to write a clear and cohesive text about all the things I have learned about online learning and teaching in past three months. I will pick a few ideas thatContinue reading “What did I learn?”
About openness
When I signed up for this ONL211 course, I have to admit that I did not think about the word ‘open’ in the course’s name. Actually, I tried not to see it because the word ‘open’ made me uncomfortable. I realized this when we began topic 2: Open learning – sharing and openness. IfContinue reading “About openness”
Why I am here?
A couple of years ago I started a blended learning project with a colleague. The project started really quickly: I got the idea in the beginning of summer holidays and found a project partner in August. Luckily, my project partner was more experienced in blended learning and online teaching than I was. We were bothContinue reading “Why I am here?”
Moi! Hi!
I am Sanna Teerenhovi and I am a Finnish language teacher at University of Arts Helsinki. At the moment I am participating in Open Network Learning course (ONL211) and this blog is part of my course work. During this spring 2021 I am exploring online learning and teaching and I will reflect my journey inContinue reading “Moi! Hi!”