Collaborate to build a Community of Practice

Learning to collaborate and collaborating to learn, both keep me wondering about best practices in building communities of practice (CoP). Whether in academia or the corporate sector, collaborations have become an essential element to the success of a project. Is it easy to bring a community together? Perhaps yes, with suitable inspiration and the rightContinue reading “Collaborate to build a Community of Practice”

How open is open?

The team sessions and webinars of the last few weeks have made me wonder about the boundaries of openness. Who defines them? Is it the individual, the organization, or perhaps the circumstance and need? Making students’ work public or sharing them within a closed group has been debated in several institutes of higher learning. Also,Continue reading “How open is open?”

Performing teams

I am a believer in teamwork, collaboration, cooperation, synergy. As the world shrinks and brings learners together the power of teamwork becomes ever apparent. The journey of the past several weeks has been energizing and motivating, in large part due to the diversity and investment of the collective. In the 1960s Bruce Tuckman put forthContinue reading “Performing teams”


What an enjoyable experience to have been part of the ONL211 Tweetchat. My first one at that! Navigating the online world is replete with challenges, and they come in all forms, from familiarity with the technology platform to framing concise byte sized thoughts. What works? The only way to know is by trying. What’s theContinue reading “Tweetering”