What are the most important things that you have learnt through your engagement in the ONL course? Why? During the course, I have developed towards being more patient and more open. During the first frustrating weeks, I needed to cope with the situation that the course experience had not launched as I envisioned (I had … Continue reading Week 11 – ONL191 in the rear mirror →
Week 10 – Good practices and main principles of online and blended learning
In our PBL assignment, we collected good practices and main principles of online and blended learning. I enjoyed having conversations with my group mates, and I also found it quite exciting to reflect on my own practice and link theory and practice together. As theory, we built on seven principles from the book Teaching in … Continue reading Week 10 – Good practices and main principles of online and blended learning →
Week 9 – Designing online and blended courses
This topic was one of the most interesting and most relevant to me since I always need to organize blended courses in practice (because of the extremely low number of contact teaching hours at our university). In this blog, I reflect on the teaching materials and forms of learning used in this unit. I’m glad … Continue reading Week 9 – Designing online and blended courses →
Week 8 – Collaborating on Collaboration
It has been fascinating to see in the past weeks how quickly our PBL has become a well-functioning group. I think the challenges at the beginning also helped to realize that people actually need to time and so much more to start forming a collaborative group rather than a random bunch of persons. I’m quite … Continue reading Week 8 – Collaborating on Collaboration →
Week 7 – Learning communities
As usual, I could not attend the webinar since I had teaching then. Below I reflect on some questions raised in the webinar. What are the key positives / negatives of online collaboration? The best part is that I don’t need to travel. It feels so unnecessary to travel a lot to attend meetings: … Continue reading Week 7 – Learning communities →
Week 6 – Closed vs. Open Education
Our group works on its Prezi to discuss “Sharing and Openness”. My part is the investigation of closed vs. open education. Since my quite extensive text would be too long for our presentation, I share it here. First, I summarize the content of some pieces of literature I found useful, and try to place some … Continue reading Week 6 – Closed vs. Open Education →
Week 5 – Being / becoming open
Again, I could not attend the webinar so I share my reflections here, especially regarding the five dimensions of openness, and the risks of making something open without proper support. So first my self-reflection in the light of the five dimensions: Sharing own content: I’m happy to share own content, e.g. tasks that I use … Continue reading Week 5 – Being / becoming open →
Week 4 – digital literacies
Continuing my reflections on the webinar on online presence and digital literacies, I would first note that I don’t believe Cultural, Constructive, Creative and Comunicative skills are so distinct of digital modalities. Digital tools of course can enhance and accelerate the development of such skills to some extent (even to great extent), but I don’t … Continue reading Week 4 – digital literacies →
Week 3 – online participation
I couldn’t follow the live webinar, so I answer some of the questions I found interesting when reading the slides. So first, what irritates me in digital technology? I think it’s not digital technology in itself that irritates me but rather its quite uncritical celebration in education. Quite often, it is taken for granted that … Continue reading Week 3 – online participation →