Going into “Week 2 – Connecting” I was curious and interested to get to know my course mates and the course organisers. Once starting to get connected in our meetings and PBL groups and getting to know my fellow colleagues… Continue Reading →

A course, a community, an approach
Going into “Week 2 – Connecting” I was curious and interested to get to know my course mates and the course organisers. Once starting to get connected in our meetings and PBL groups and getting to know my fellow colleagues… Continue Reading →
Week 1 – Gettings started ONL232 link : https://www.opennetworkedlearning.se/onl232-course-overview/week-1-getting-started/ “During this first week the focus is to familiarize yourself with the ONL learning spaces. You will be encouraged to share expectations, background knowledge, experience and practice and begin to build… Continue Reading →