Time to unwind the intensive weeks with ONL211. It has been quite an experience, very much more than I expected. I already understand that I am now equipped with both a broader perspective on learning in general, and a bunch … Continue reading

A course, a community, an approach
Time to unwind the intensive weeks with ONL211. It has been quite an experience, very much more than I expected. I already understand that I am now equipped with both a broader perspective on learning in general, and a bunch … Continue reading
The fourth topic “Design for online and blended learning” incorporated all the previous topics into a practical, current, and timely scenario to work with. We would get useful tools and executable practices out from this. Challenges in communication. We saw … Continue reading
Starting the third topic with FISh approach starts to feel routine already! Our group gets to work, knowing that first it is a bit scattered, but it will boil down to a nice piece. This topic was something our group … Continue reading
After the second week we had a reflection week, which is a great idea from the ONL organizers to help participants gather their thoughts and catch up! However, at least I ended up catching the other things but ONL, because… … Continue reading
You all know the pain and the intensifying feeling of guilt of not getting started with a massive writing task aiming to produce something that you have never actually done before… Like trying to get the first lab report done … Continue reading
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Posted by Ville Miikkulainen