
Reflection on topic 4: design for online and blended learning

We are approaching the end of the Open Networked Learning course. This time we have addressed topic 4, being the focus on technology-enhanced learning design, which is one of my top practice and research interests within my academic trajectory in educational technology. On the other hand, of course, the topic comes now really timely, since… Continue reading Reflection on topic 4: design for online and blended learning


Reflections on topic 1: experiences from ONL and my digital identity

This is the third week from the Open Networked Learning course and my first blog post with learning reflections. So I would like to start addressing my reflections on the ONL and my experiences from it so far. Experiences from ONL As part of the connecting week I was assigned to the PBL Group 9,… Continue reading Reflections on topic 1: experiences from ONL and my digital identity