
It’s just a chair…. Learning environments and how they matter…

  Teaching is an art form, according to educational studies scholar Diane Laurillard; it is entertainment and also – in order to be “teaching” it needs to be more than just entertainment. It is based on a “formally defined goal” (Laurillard 2013:1) with the aim to create a space of reflection, to create learning and … Continue reading It’s just a chair…. Learning environments and how they matter…


Teaching online… in the field of Gender Studies and Transgender Studies.

I am currently wondering how to create an online classroom (without face-to-face time due to distances and financial restrictions of the students) that is exciting and can convey a similar excitement than a face-to-face learning environment often does. Blended learning is a way for Gender Studies in Karlstad to create a good classroom atmosphere, interesting … Continue reading Teaching online… in the field of Gender Studies and Transgender Studies.