
These weeks’ topic is openness. With this one, I have struggled a bit to get into it. The materials did not seem too appealing to me at first and in the webinar I had difficulties to really get involved. My initial impression was “Openness? Sure, it’s a good thing. You should be open. What is […]

Digital literacy? No, digital literacies!

I could immediately relate to the idea that digital literacies must be plural or that digital literacy has many dimensions. And, again, I was very impressed by the webinar with so many participants. Wow. Applying David White’s concept of a continuum between visitor/resident mode and personal/institutional use I yield a trend of a diagonal from […]

Second Try #ONL192

After two meetings in my PBL Group I´m brave to write a next blog entry. Lotta, Miriam and my group members are so warmly. Thanks a lot:) I suspect a lot of work and I hope to perform the assignments.