Topic 3, Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning

CC by Alexandra Wirth How and where does collaboration take place in the PBL ? Does it matter whether it takes place online or in class? I have been involved with problem-based learning PBL for more than 20 years. On the one hand as a didactic concept, on the other hand as a method. I … Weiterlesen Topic 3, Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning

Topic 1, Online participation & digital literacies – on the way to the top!

The first 4 weeks with Getting Started, Connecting and the editing of Topic 1 Digital literacie and online participation are over. For my first reflection in my blog, I came up with several theories which might have been used as a basis. The five-stage model by Gilly Salmon would have been interesting, the problem-based learning … Weiterlesen Topic 1, Online participation & digital literacies – on the way to the top!