The idea of open in higher education has multiple interpretations, and a considerable lack of clarity, partly due to the use of varied terms such as the Open Educational Resources (OERs), Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Open education, Open lear…
Being Open: Drawing parallels from the Coffee House Model
What does ‘being open’ mean and what is its value? Does the value lie in open content? Does the value lie in the interactions that occur through discussions? Does the value lie in openness created within social places, and not always confined to an ins…
Topic 3 (ONL192): Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning
Ursprünglich veröffentlicht auf sivjonss blogging:
The topic In this topic ‘Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning’, our PBL group were interested in the term ‘connectivism’. I particularly enjoyed reading the original article on this by George Siemens from 2005. There were so many aspects included in the founding of this –ism that…
Where am I in this digital world?
Ursprünglich veröffentlicht auf Learning to Learn with Technology:
The Topic 1 subject was about online participation and digital literacies. We had an amazing webinar with David White, and in our PBL group we discussed about advantages to use digital tools and how to became a digital resident. …
Cooperation vs. Collaboration
Interesting video about the most important differences of cooperation and collaboration. Seems like cooperation is basis of any collaboration.
Creating a digital learning environment for #ONL191
Since December 2018, I am part of the organizing committee for the Open Networked Learning course. I have been following this course for a while and started this very blog for its predecessor FDOL. In the coming posts I will…
About intuitive tools…
The Open Networked Learning course ONL191 started three weeks ago, and as in every course, there is more to learning just for everyone. On the tools side, a lot has happened this time. The learning environment includes a new website, … Weiterlese…
Recording of facilitator meeting – 190301
Hi there! Thank you for a good session today! Here is the recording: Have a great weekend! /Jörg
My second ONL course in one year!
I finnished my ONL181 course last December, and now I am in ONL191 already. It must have been a fun course, you think? And I can sincerely say that YES, it was fun and I learned so much that I want to learn more. What did I learn then? Well, a lot about Online Network … Continue reading My second ONL course in one year! →
Time zonce converter
Hello everyone and welcome to PBL10! Great to have you all in the group from all over the world. Here is a time zone converter so we all have the right time for the meetings. We go by CET (Central European Time) and here is a link where you can check your local time vs […]
From Cape Town to New Learning Spaces
Thanks for joining me on Learnings Anew! I will use this reflective space to share my journey as an online facilitator and a life-long student of new learning spaces and learning ecosystems that the web now affords us. My home is in Cape Town, South Africa but I am currently working out of Durban as … Continue reading From Cape Town to New Learning Spaces →
Institutional group spaces and announcements
Hi everyone! Here a quick update that all institutional group spaces should be up and running and that you should be added with administrator rights within them. Once your colleagues created user accounts, you can invite them to the group space. I’d also like to draw your attention to the announcement tab, which you obviously […]